Chinese Medicine
Chinese medicine is a complete health system comprising of herbal remedies, acupuncture, massage, exercise, nutrition and lifestyle prescriptions.
It has existed for over two thousand years and is a complete healing system in its own right.
A healthy body is well balanced between the opposite energies of yin and yang.
Illnesses that are characterized by weakness, lethargy and coldness are more yin, those that manifest heat and over activity are yang in nature.
Successful treatment is based on treating the underlying disharmony between yin and yang and re-establishing balance.
It has existed for over two thousand years and is a complete healing system in its own right.
A healthy body is well balanced between the opposite energies of yin and yang.
Illnesses that are characterized by weakness, lethargy and coldness are more yin, those that manifest heat and over activity are yang in nature.
Successful treatment is based on treating the underlying disharmony between yin and yang and re-establishing balance.