The body is like a machine and can adapt to a lot of stress and poor conditions, but only for so long.
Disease is likely to result if many warnings are ignored.
The acupuncturist, by stimulating needles in certain ways can help get the qi moving again and promote a healthy environment within the body..
The overriding aim is to restore balance. Acupuncture should not be a painful treatment. Often people are surprised when they realise the needles have been put in.
They are usually left for 20 mins during which time the patient has time to relax.
The acupuncturist may stimulate the needles manually to ensure that the correct effect is achieved.
Balance and the normal functions of the body's sytems is the aim of the treatment.
Disease is likely to result if many warnings are ignored.
The acupuncturist, by stimulating needles in certain ways can help get the qi moving again and promote a healthy environment within the body..
The overriding aim is to restore balance. Acupuncture should not be a painful treatment. Often people are surprised when they realise the needles have been put in.
They are usually left for 20 mins during which time the patient has time to relax.
The acupuncturist may stimulate the needles manually to ensure that the correct effect is achieved.
Balance and the normal functions of the body's sytems is the aim of the treatment.